
High-Performance Graphics 2016

Dublin, Ireland | June 20-22, 2016


Registration for HPG 2016 are now live. The cost depends on your status and the date you register. When you register early, it allows us to secure better pricing with our suppliers bringing you greater value. If you need a letter of support to obtain a visa, please contact us. Please visit our vendor’s secure website to finish registration:

Register for High-Performance Graphics 2016

Please be aware of the following registration deadlines and fees. Additionally, you can qualify for an additional €25 discount if you also register for the co-located Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR). See the registration page for details.

On or Before 24 May
ACM / SIGGRAPH / EuroGraphics Members € 250
Non- ACM / SIGGRAPH / EuroGraphics Members € 350
Student € 175
On or Before 15 June
ACM / SIGGRAPH / EuroGraphics Members € 300
Non- ACM / SIGGRAPH / EuroGraphics Members € 400
Student € 225
On/after 16 June
ACM / SIGGRAPH / EuroGraphics Members € 375
Non- ACM / SIGGRAPH / EuroGraphics Members € 450
Student € 325
Other Categories
Extra Banquet Tickets € 49
EGSR Discount -(€ 25)

Questions? Click here for help in contacting us.