High-Performance Graphics 2021
High-Performance Graphics was founded in 2009 to synthesize and broaden two important and well-respected conferences in computer graphics: Graphics Hardware and Interactive Ray Tracing
Thank you everybody for contributing and attending HPG 2021! Links to the conference content are on the program page.
Next year’s HPG should be co-located with SIGGRAPH and will take place in Vancouver, BC, Canada next summer.
If you want to engage in the organization of HPG 2022, please contact us!
Wolfgang Straßer Award (Best Paper)
1. Vertex-Blend Attribute Compression
Bastian Kuth, Quirin Meyer
2. (Tie) Hardware Adaptive High Order Interpolation for Real-Time Graphics
Daqi Lin, Larry Seiler, Cem Yuksel
2. (Tie) A Halfedge Refinement Rule for Parallel Catmull-Clark Subdivision
Jonathan Dupuy, Kenneth Vanhoey
Best Poster Award
Opportunities to Avoid Texture Lookups in Modern Game Frames
Aditya Ukarande, Deep Shekhar, and Ram Rangan
Student Competition Award
Efficient Ray-Tracing for Urban Radiation Source Localization
Andrew Hollis and Ajinkya Gavane