
HPG10 will be co-located with EGSR in Saarbrucken, Germany, June 25-27.

High-Performance Graphics 2009

We are pleased to announce High-Performance Graphics 2009. This conference aims to synthesize two important and cutting-edge topics in computer graphics:

  • Graphics Hardware, represented since 1986 by an annual conference of that name focusing on graphics hardware, architecture, and systems since 1986.

  • Interactive Ray Tracing, represented since 2006 in an innovative symposium focusing on the emerging field of interactive ray tracing and global illumination techniques.

By combining these two communities, we aim to bring to authors and attendees the best of both, while extending the scope of the new conference to cover the overarching field of performance-oriented graphics systems covering innovative algorithms, efficient implementations, and hardware architecture. This broader focus offers a common forum bringing together researchers, engineers, and architects to discuss the complex interactions of massively parallel hardware, novel programming models, efficient graphics algorithms, and innovative applications.

High-Performance Graphics 2009 urges you to stay at the Hotel Monteleone, our conference hotel. We have negotiated fantastic rates at this wonderful hotel, and are financially committed to fill a certain number of rooms. Please mention the conference by name when you book to ensure that you get the negotiated rate and that the conference gets credit for your stay.

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